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What are the icons in the table header for?

For information or assistance, or if you change your mind after applying for a pass to park or a permit, please contact the Transport Office.

This table allows you to register, delete, and change the status of vehicles which you bring onto campus. Please ensure that any vehicles you would like to bring onto campus are correctly listed here.

To register a vehicle, click 'Add'. Select the type of vehicle from the drop-down list of the 'Type' column.

If you have registered a vehicle which you have never brought onto campus and do not intend to, you should delete it. To delete a vehicle, click 'Edit'. Then click 'Delete' in the righthand column of the appropriate row.

If you have registered a vehicle which you no longer bring onto campus, you should change its status to 'Former'. To change the status of a vehicle, click 'Edit'. Then select the appropriate item from the drop-down list of the 'Status' column.

If you bring a motorcycle or scooter onto campus, you must register it with the University. You do not need a pass to park or a permit.

Under the new car-parking rules, only vehicles which are registered as 'Current' may be brought onto campus.


For help with Sussex Direct, please consult the BIS FAQ or contact the IT Service Desk.

Page created by: Helen Moore (last modified 03/06/21 14.51.19)