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Convenor Course Student List

What are the icons in the table header for?

If any information is incorrect, please contact your departmental co-ordinator.

This table lists all the students taking your course. Use it to process the marks for contributory assessments for this course by conflating or sending marks to exams.

The table header shows you the conflation rule for the assessed coursework. In rare cases, the course may have been defined with two sets of assessed coursework, so you may need to access more than one version of this table for a course to completely process contributory marks for the course.

If you are set up as an Assessment Convenor on the course and at least one student has a mark recorded for all assessments, you will see a 'Conflate Marks' button at the top of the page.

If you are set up as an Assessment Convenor on the course, then, once conflation has taken place and an up-to-date Net Conflated Mark exists for all students currently on the course, you will see a 'Send to Exams' button at the top of the page.

Once marks have been sent to the Exams Boards, the date of sending will be displayed in the table header. No further processing of the marks will be possible.

If coursework marks need to be changed after they have been sent to the Exams System, please contact the Undergraduate Office (Exams Section) or the Postgraduate Office.

The Net Conflated Mark is displayed with any penalties deducted. Penalties are shown along with the mark in this column, flagged with a 'P'.

In Exam Systems?

This column highlights any problems where students have not been entered for assessment on this course in the Exams System. If a student has 'No' in this column, often this will be because they have either temporarily or permanently withdrawn. You can check this by clicking on the student's name to get an overview of their current student record. Please contact the Student Progress and Assessment Office if any student needs to be entered for assessment. Please do this before sending marks to the Exams System.

Net Sent Mark

This column is not displayed until marks have been sent to the Exams System. This is a display of the marks that you sent to the Exams System. Please note that any changes made to the marks in the Exams System - such as the removal of penalty points following MEC (Mitigating Evidence Committee) decisions - will be reflected here. These marks remain subject to Examination Board ratification until after the boards have met.


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Page created by: Helen Moore (last modified 03/06/21 14.51.19)