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Cpt Investigator List

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This table lists investigators for your project proposal. Use the table to add investigators and to edit information about them.

Every investigator associated with the proposal is automatically added as a Directly Allocated salary cost. You should remember to complete their salary figures. To do this, go to the Proposal Map. Under 'Directly Allocated Costs' select 'Salaries'.

For directly allocated staff, if a proportion of time to be spent on the project relates to postgraduate student supervision, the time and cost of that supervision must be separately identified. To do this, go to the Proposal Map. Under 'Directly Allocated Costs' select 'Salaries'. In the 'Add Staff' table select 'Add'. In the 'Staff Type' drop-down list select 'Academic Staff'. Enter information for them. Then select 'Add' again. This time you must select 'Student Supervision' from the 'Staff Type' drop-down list. This is because time spent on supervision does constitute part of the FEC of the project, but the cost of that time will not, at present, be met by certain types of sponsors, for example the Research Councils.

Select the first letter of the investigator's surname and then select the name from the resulting drop-down list.

Please indicate principal investigator with a 'Y'. There may only be one principal investigator.

Project Share (%)
Where there is more than one investigator, the percentage allocation between investigators must be given. This allocation is very important, as it will be used to calculate the share of FEC, bid, award, contribution, and expenditure that will be allocated to each investigator's department. The option to 'Add' investigators remains until the numbers in the 'Project Share' column add up to 100%.


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Page created by: Helen Moore (last modified 03/06/21 14.51.19)