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Detail2 Convenor Conflation


Conflated coursework marks must be sent to the Exams system to be conflated with marks for any other sub assessements. When all sub assessment marks are present in the exams system an overall mark for the course is automatically calculated. This overall mark is used by Examination Boards to determine candidate's progress and often classification.

Conflated coursework marks must be sent to the Exams system as soon as possible after the last coursework assessment. The marks are needed in the Exams system to allow MEC (Mitigating Evidence Committee) decsions to be recorded throughout the year.


When you press the 'Send To Exams' button, your conflated marks are transferred (sent) to the Exams System.

You can only transfer your marks once. Once the marks have been transferred you will not be able to update the marks, and you won't be able to send any changes or additions online to the Exams System.

You should therefore not use the 'Send to Exams' button until you are certain that all marks are entered and are correct.

If the Conflated Marks are not up to date, e.g. because someone has edited or added marks records since the last time the marks were conflated, then the 'Send to Exams' button will not be displayed. Use the 'Conflate' button to get a new, updated, conflated mark for each student. The 'Send To Exams' button will then be shown.

Only the designated Assessment Convenor/s for the course can send marks to the Exams system as this process represents their sign off for the marks.


For help with Sussex Direct, please consult the BIS FAQ or contact the IT Service Desk.

Page created by: Helen Moore (last modified 03/06/21 14.51.19)