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Event List

What are the icons in the table header for?

This facility can be used to set up events (or appointments) with students outside normal teaching sessions.  The system will check their availability and invite them to book on one of the slots made available.

A number of different types of event can be created:

1) A ‘Group Event (invite)’, where you can invite a specified number of students to a single event;

2) A ‘Group Event (accept)’, where you can require attendance for a specified number of students at a single event;

3) A set of ‘One-to-One’ sessions;

4) Research Supervisors can also ‘Record Contact’ (i.e. phone calls, email, face to face meetings) with their Research Students.

The process of creating events:

1) Events are initially set up, then the system (where less than 150 students have been invited) checks whether the selected students are available at the time you’ve specified.

2) Having checked availability (and possibly rescheduled as appropriate), you then go ahead to create the event. 

3) Creating the event then invites your selected students to book an appointment, OR sets their status to ‘accept’ and displays the event in their study timetable.

To provide the maximum flexibility:

1) each event can have many sessions,

2) each session can contain many slots.

The purpose of sessions and slots is to give students a choice when to attend an event. It is not for creating repeating events in one go. One student can only occupy one slot per event.

A member of Academic staff can set up events for their Academic Advisees, their Research Supervisees (for Postgraduate Research or Taught students), or students registered on a course they convene.

An Administrator can set up events for students within their School as follows:

1) Students registered on a programme owned by your School

2) Students registered on a course owned by your School

3) Students who belong to your school or your departments


Events can only be created within the following date restrictions*:

1) Autumn Term through to the end of the Christmas vacation.  From the start of week one of the Autumn term, you can set up events until the last day of the Christmas vacation;

2) Week Seven Autumn term through to the end of the Easter vacation.  From the start of week seven of the Autumn term, you can set up events until the last day of the Easter vacation;

3) Week Seven of Spring term through to end of summer vacation.  From the start of week seven of the Spring term, you can set up events until the last day of the summer vacation.

NB: * For Research Supervisors the above restrictions do not apply



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Page created by: Helen Moore (last modified 03/06/21 14.51.19)