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Stu Advisors Staff Directory

What are the icons in the table header for?

This table allows you to search for, and then displays, a list of staff within a selected department and shows you how many staff members have unread Student Support documents.

If a student with dyslexia/dyspraxia is on a course owned by a department which is participating in the pilot scheme to provide the standard reasonable adjustments for their students with dyslexia/dyspraxia, then there is no requirement to read those documents for that student, and so they are not counted as 'Unread'. Students with dyslexia/dyspraxia, falling within this pilot scheme, are displayed with a 'minus' sign and a green background. If a student has support needs for both dyslexia/dyspraxia and other support needs (sensory or physical impairments, and/or mental health problems), then there is still a requirement to read documents relating to the latter. The student in this case will be displayed with a 'plus' sign and a saffron background.

The options for generating the listing are:

  • Department
  • Term
  • Staff selection settings:
    • All staff
    • All staff with at least one Support student in the selected term(s), for whom it is required to read the documents
    • All staff with at least one unread document, which is required to be read, for a student whom they are teaching in the selected term(s)
    • All staff who have NEVER accessed any Support documents, who are teaching at least one Support student in the selected term(s), for whom it is required to read the documents

Click on 'Search' in the table header to view your results. It may take a moment or two to produce the listing if the department you have selected is large.

In the results listing, the key columns are:


This column shows the number of students with Support needs that the staff member is teaching in the selected term(s), where there is at least one support document that the staff member is required to read, but has not yet read.

Support students

This column shows the number of students with Support needs that the staff member is teaching in the selected term(s), for example where the staff member is a course tutor, academic advisor, supervisor or assessment convenor.

The listing is ordered so that the staff members at the top of the list have the largest number of students with unread documents.

Emailing from the listing

email the people in the list

You may well want to email all of the staff that you have selected. If so, you can use the email icon illustrated above - you'll find it in the table header. For some instructions on how to use this Sussex Direct Email facility, download and print this Guide to using the Sussex Direct emailer (PDF). The full recipient list will not be displayed to staff, so there won't be any confidentiality issues about using this.


For help with Sussex Direct, please consult the BIS FAQ or contact the IT Service Desk.

Page created by: Helen Moore (last modified 03/06/21 14.51.20)