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What are the icons in the table header for?

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The  teaching groups table displays a list of groups for which you are the course tutor.

Easy to use features include:

  • You can quickly identify groups where you need to enter attendances, marks, or tutorial reports and those where there is no work to do right now!
  • Simple drop-down lists take you to pages where you can enter this information
  • One click takes you to a register-style display of attendances or marks for a group. A further click shows you printable graphs of this data

General navigation

To access teaching groups for a different year or term, use the drop-down lists at the top of the table. Selecting an item from the drop-down lists will take you to the information straightaway (in other words there is no extra 'submit' or 'go' button to press).

Working with attendance, marks, and reports

The main information you need is in the following columns:


The Record attendance... drop-down list displays all sessions that have taken place for which some attendances still need to be recorded. Select the All Sessions link for a list of all sessions for the teaching group, for example to correct previously entered attendances or to print out an attendance sheet. To view an attendance register for the group, choose the option Register.

If attendance for a session was previously up to date but has now reappeared on your 'Attendance' drop-down, this means that one or more students have moved into your teaching group. Clicking on the drop-down item will take you through to your 'Record Attendance' table where a Backfill button will be displayed in the table sub-header. Clicking on this button will 'back fill' their attendance with 'Absence notified' ('Abs N') for that session.


The Record marks... drop-down list displays all assignments for which some marks still need to be entered, and any assessments that have not yet been sent to the convenor. Items are only listed here once their deadline has passed. For a list of all assignments and assessments for the teaching group, choose the option All Assignments. To view a marks register for the group, which shows all marks recorded for all the students in the group, choose the option Marks Register.


The Write reports... drop-down list displays all terms for which tutorial reports are required where reports have not yet been completed (and therefore not released to students). Alternatively, if you would prefer to see a list of all terms for which reports are required, then choose the option All Terms.

If there is no outstanding work, then the message 'Currently up to date' is displayed. If you need to go back to edit previously entered work then you can use the All ... links.

Please note that when no marks, attendances, or reports are required for the teaching group, that the column is left blank.


To see a list of students in a teaching group, choose the n students link in the 'Group' column.

To see more details about a course, choose the course name in the 'Course' column.


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Page created by: Helen Moore (last modified 03/06/21 14.51.20)