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Why Teaching Admin

Why can I not view this course?

There are a number of reasons why it might not be possible for Sussex Direct to allow you access the course. Here are the most likely:

  • Access to courses for administrative staff is granted by allowing you access to courses owned by individual departments, schools or all courses. It is possible the course you have requested is owned by a department for which you do not have access. Does the course appear on your drop-down list of courses (labelled "Select Course")? If not, then you may need to request additional access.
  • If you are a Course Tutor or Assessment Convenor attempting to view your own courses, you can do this by going to your "Course Teaching" or "Convening" tabs.
  • In rare cases, when a course has been set up with inconsistencies on the database, it may not be possible for Sussex Direct to determine your eligiblity when you attempt to access it by entering the Course Code. Alternative ways to access such a course may be to pick it off the drop-down list of courses, or to select a course tutor or convenor for that course.

If you need to request additional access to courses, or cannot understand what the problem is with accessing your course, then please contact us via BIS Help at


For help with Sussex Direct, please consult the BIS FAQ or contact the IT Service Desk.

Page created by: Helen Moore (last modified 03/06/21 14.51.20)